Help the Seeking I Project

I try to offer all my work with Seeking I free of charge to ensure that this important information is as accessible as possible to everyone.

Most charged events are the result of a Seeking I sponsored event which is run by external organizations whom require payment to attend. Myself and Seeking I receive none of the funds raised by such events.

As a result, the only funding I have to continue working on Seeking I comes from the very kind donations from those who consider my work valuable enough to continue being made available.

If you would like to help by donating, please feel free to use the button to the right to do so, it would be hugely appreciated!

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Seeking I often hosts many workshops and events during which members have the opportunity to ask questions to, and discuss with some of the world’s leading researchers and thinkers on the subjects we cover. Please be sure to join our mailing list to ensure you never miss an event! You will also be amongst the first to hear about news and updates for Seeking I going forward.

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